
育空冰雪生活第6季Yukon Men S6
8月1日起,每週二 晚間10點首播。
Premieres every Tuesday at 22:00, starting August 1.


Just 60 miles from the Arctic Circle lies a town on the edge of civilization: Tanana, Alaska. This frozen village of 200 people is part of an unknown America where men hunt and trap to survive, subsisting as people have in Alaska for decades.


樹屋大師第6季Treehouse Masters S6
8月9起,每週三 晚間10點首播。
Premieres every Wednesday at 22:00, starting August 9.

《樹屋大師》讓觀眾跟隨富有想像力的彼特尼爾森,一起爬入高踞在樹頂上的壯麗空間,欣賞他為崇尚自然的人士所設計的私人別墅。 彼特為許多客人冒險打造精彩的樹屋,他設計過多臥房的夢幻樹屋,還配有可使用的洗手間和電力設備,他也設計過簡單的單房閣樓。然而要打造這些夢幻樹屋並不容易。彼特以及他的設計師團隊和木匠工班,包括他的兒子查理,都必須忍受大自然的莫名變化、危險的營造設備和令人頭暈目眩的高度,才能打造出這些令人稱奇的美麗別墅。

TREEHOUSE MASTERS has viewers climbing to a majestic world up in the treetops with visionary Pete Nelson as he designs private escapes for those with a passion for nature. Designing multi-bedroom dream tree houses complete with functional plumbing and electricity to simple, one-room lofts, Pete goes out on a limb to create amazing treehouses for a host of clientele. However, creating these fantasy arboreal homes does not come easy. Pete and his team of designers and carpenters, including son Charlie, must endure Mother Nature's shifty antics, dangerous construction equipment and dizzy heights in order to build these breathtaking sanctuaries.


一萬公里的約定10,000 Miles
8月13日,週日 晚間7點首播。
Premieres on Sunday at 19:00, August 13.




地球怪氣象第3季Strangest Weather On Earth S3
8月18日起,每週五 晚間8點首播。
Premieres every Friday at 20:00, starting August 18.


Blazing tornadoes of fire that spiral in the sky, balls of lightning that bounce along the sidewalk and a wall of dust engulfing an entire city. These fascinating weather events are so bizarre that they are seemingly beyond the wildest imagination. Through eyewitness accounts and expert insight, explore the wild and wonderful world of the STRANGEST WEATHER ON EARTH.

逐風少年Ripples Apart
8月20日,星期日 晚上7點首播。
Premieres on Sunday at 19:00, August 20.



靈異72小時第2季Paranormal Lockdown S2
8月22日起,每週二 晚間11點首播。
Premieres every Tuesday at 23:00, starting August 22.


PARANORMAL LOCKDOWN, hosted by paranormal all-star Nick Groff and co-hosted by seasoned ghost hunter Katrina Weidman, follows the two as they confine themselves in America’s most terrifying places for an unprecedented 72 hours straight. Living at haunted locations, many of which have never before been seen on television, some being investigated for the first time ever, Groff and Weidman believe that the longer they stay, the more the spirits will communicate with them and the more information they can gather about the unknown.

原始生活21天第3季Naked And Afraid S3
8月24日起,每週四 晚間9點首播。
Premieres every Thursday at 21:00, starting August 24.


Discovery takes "survival of the fittest" to the next level with NAKED AND AFRAID, where each week, a new pair of complete and total strangers - one man and one woman - will find themselves stranded in and, quite literally, exposed to one of the world's most extreme weather environments.  This duo will be left high and dry with no food, no water...and no clothes.  They must survive on their own for a full 21 days, with nothing but one personal item each and the knowledge that the only prize is their pride and sense of accomplishment. In NAKED AND AFRAID, these brazen and bold couples will get acquainted with each other -and their new surroundings - very quickly, forcing them to question and test everything they may think they know about their acquired survival skills and instincts.

街頭玩科學Street Science
8月28日起,每週一 晚間10點首播。
Premieres every Monday at 22:00, starting August 28.


In Science Channel’s all-new series STREET SCIENCE, science guy Kevin Delaney leaves his lab behind to hit the streets for experiments that are so unusual, off-beat, and so unexpected they will blow your mind. Combining scientific method with curiosity and plain old-fashioned ingenuity, these larger than life demos produce fire, explosions and colorful reactions as Kevin’s side kick Darren Dyk catches it all with amazing slow motion footage that provides insight of what the eye can’t normally see.




