
  • Yu
  • 647 次點閱
  • 9 次拍手



0719 勝安宮牌樓

0807 青龍嶺

0907 大棟山

1148 鶯歌石

1202 孫龍步道起點





My high school classmate invited me to go hiking, and I accepted straightforwardly. We met at Shulin Station, then we reached the archway of Temple Shen An, which was the trailhead. There were a series of steep slopes and the intense sunlight of the high summer at the beginning, they made me sweat buckets within a few steps. Hiking at lower altitudes in summer was more challenging for us.

07:19 The archway of Temple Shen An

08:07 Qinglongling 青龍嶺

09:07 Mt. Dadong 大棟山

11:48 Yingge Rock 鶯歌石

12:02 Exited the Sunlong trail

After the continuous uphill hike, we took a short break at Mt. Datong. Shortly later we arrived at Qinglongling, we could easily see Mt. Guanyin and Yangmingshan. Next, we entered the Mt. Dadong Hiking Trail. A gentle breeze cooled us, and woods surrounded us, it was relaxed. Mt. Dadong had perfect panoramic vistas of Taoyuan City.

Then, we walked to the Temple of the God of Fortune, where the people in the temple told us we could get some water. I got some cold water and it was awesome. After walking on the asphalt road for a long time, we reached a staircase leading near Fu An Temple. We moved to the small trail beside it next.

Finally, we reached Yingge Rock, it was very large and more than ten stories high. When we exited the Sunlong trail, the uproar was waiting for us. Without the shade of the trees, I missed the hiking trail so much.




